Web Insight: why are you not online?
Web Insight: why are you not online?
The internet is ubiquitous. Millions of Americans are online for hours each day. Non-users are increasingly rare. But there are still some people in the United States who have never used the internet.
For those who are not online and never have been, what is the main reason?
In 2018, the most frequently given answer, as recorded in our Digital Future Report, was that these people did not know how to use, or were confused by, the technology. This answer was given by 22% of respondents who had never been online.
The second most frequently given answer was that the respondent had no interest in the internet or did not find it useful. This response was given by 19%.
Of those who have never been online, 4% said that the main reason was that being online was too expensive and they could not afford the fees or charges.
Interestingly, no one said that they were not online because they had no time or were too busy.
See all Web Insights.
January 6, 2020