Web Insight: what types of video content do you watch online?

Web Insight: what video content do you watch online?

With the advent and spread of the internet, much of the video that we watch is online. Which types of video online are most popular?

We asked internet users this question in the Center’s Digital Future study. Let’s look at those types of video watched by more than a quarter of internet users:

  • How-to videos were the most popular, with 57% of users saying that they watched them.
  • Second most popular were music videos, which were watched by 47%.
  • Next in line were news clips, viewed by 44%.
  • Coming in next were user-generated content and feature length movies, both watched by 33% of users.
  • The online version of entertainment/non-news television shows was watched by 32%.
  • Rounding out the list, sports highlights were consumed by 26% of users in the survey.


See all Web Insights.

July 22, 2019