Who watches sports at arenas?
Of people who follow at least one sport in season, how many actually watch the sport in person?
Virtually all fans watch sports through the mass media. But in our survey of people who follow or watch at least one sport in season, far fewer (20%) said they typically watch in person at a stadium or arena.
How do gender, age, income, and level of interest affect attendance at sports events?
Males (23%) are more likely than females (16%) to watch sports in person.
Sports fans age 35-54 are most likely to typically go to the stadium or arena (24%). This compares to 18% for all of these age categories: less than 18, 18-24, 25-34, and 55-64. And 14% of those age 65-74 typically attended in person.
Given the steadily-increasing price of tickets, it should not be surprising that those with more money are more likely to go to sporting events. There is a direct relationship between household income and likelihood of typically watching a sport in person at a stadium or arena.
Only 12% of those with a household income of less than $25,000 report typically going to a sporting event. This compares to 16% for those with a yearly household income of $25,000 to less than $50,000, 23% for the range $50,000 to less than $75,000, 24% for those with $75,000 to less than $100,000, 29% for fans with yearly household income of $100,000 to less than $125,000, and 32% for those whose household income is $125,000 or more.
The region of the country in which ones resides is also related to live attendance. Those in the Northeast (25%) are most likely to typically watch a sport in person. This is followed by the West (22%), South (18%), and Midwest (16%).
Level of fan interest
And, as expected, intense fans (31%) are more likely to typically attend a sporting event in person at a stadium or arena, than are moderate fans (23%) or casual ones (10%).
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January 16, 2018