How many people worry that online banking will make them vulnerable to being a victim of fraud or theft?

We asked this question to all of the respondents the Center’s Study of the Future of Money and Banking, which surveyed American adults with at least one bank account.

Overall, 52% or respondents agreed somewhat or strongly with the following statement: I worry that online banking will make me vulnerable to being a victim of fraud or theft.

Females (56%) were more likely to somewhat or strongly agree than males (49%).

The oldest in our survey, those age 65 and above (60%), were more likely to agree than 54-64 year olds (57%), 18-24 year olds (53%), 45-54 year olds (50%), 35-44 year olds (47%), and those age 25-34 (46%).

The other variable associated with notably differing responses was race/ethnicity. Latinos (55%) were more likely to somewhat or strongly agree that they worry that online banking will make them vulnerable to fraud or theft than were whites (53%) and African-Americans (48%).


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January 28, 2019