Most people are satisfied with their primary bank. Who are the people who are not satisfied?

In our study on banking and money 82% of people said that they were somewhat or very satisfied with their primary bank.

Eight percent said that they were neutral on the issue, and 10% said that they were somewhat or very dissatisfied.

Who was more likely to be dissatisfied?

Females (11%) were somewhat more likely to be dissatisfied than males (8%).

Older people were more likely to be dissatisfied.

First, let’s look at the groups aged 44 and below: 18-24 (6%), 25-34 (8%), and 35-44 (6%).

The numbers are higher for the older than 44 set: 45-54 (14%), 55-64 (10%), and 65+ (13%).

Marital status also mattered. Six percent of singles were dissatisfied. Ten percent of those who were married or living with a partner were not satisfied with their primary bank. And of those who were separated, divorced, and widowed, 15% were either somewhat or very dissatisfied.


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October 29, 2018