Web Insight: do you make
financial investments online?
In the Center’s Study of the Future of Money and Banking, we asked respondents, each of whom had at least one bank account, whether they ever made financial investments online.
Overall, 23% of respondents said that they did.
Males were more likely to say that they made financial investments online than women. Thirty-one percent of males versus only 14% of females said that they had.
Those with more education were also more likely. Thirty-five percent of those with a college degree or more versus just 13% with some college education or less said that they had used the internet to make investments.
Not surprisingly, wealth was the other major distinguishing factor. Forty-three percent of those with a yearly household income of $75,000 or more replied that they had made financial investments online. This compares with only 16% of those with yearly household incomes of less than $75,000.
See all Web Insights.
February 19, 2019