Web Insight: Should interactive devices be banned from cars in motion?
Auto fatalities had been on the decline until just a few years ago. The suspected culprit for the reversal is the use of interactive devices in vehicles.
The most extreme way to fight this problem is the banning of all interactive devices for drivers in cars in motion. How popular is this proposal, and does support for it vary according to political orientation?
We asked this question in our Future of Transportation Study. Overall, 48% of respondents agreed somewhat or strongly that all interactive devices for drivers should be banned from cars in motion.
Agreement was fairly uniform across the political spectrum. This statement was agreed to somewhat or strongly by 46 percent of those who are somewhat or strongly liberal, 48 percent of those who are somewhat or strongly conservative, and 49 percent of those in the middle-of-the-road.
See all Web Insights.
March 2, 2020