Web Insight: are you ignored because someone spends too much time on a mobile phone?

Web Insight: are you ignored by someone who spends too much time on a mobile phone?

Do Americans ever feel ignored because a household member (husband, wife, son, daughter, etc.) spends too much time on a mobile phone?

Since 2012, we have asked this question in the Center’s Digital Future Survey of mobile phone users with multiple people living in the household.

In 2018, 18% of respondents said that they often felt ignored because a household member spends too much time on the mobile phone (talking, texting, browsing the web, etc.). Forty-seven percent said that they felt this way sometimes, and 35% said never.

The general trend has been for more people to say that they feel ignored in this way. Back in 2012, only 8% said they often felt ignored by a household member because of time he or she spent on the mobile phone, 36% said sometimes, and a majority (56%) said never.


See all Web Insights.

July 29, 2019