The Future of Health Care Study released by the Center

February 19 — The Center for the Digital Future has released its first project that explores views and behavior in America involving health care and digital technology.

This first results from The Future of Health Care Study,  released today, focus on views and behavior about health insurance coverage.  See highlights from the findings here.

The Future of Health Care Study conducted by the Center explores views and behavior involving 25 major issues and themes, among them: access to medical information, wearable and implantable medical monitoring devices, digital assistants and health care, telemedicine, artificial intelligence in health care, privacy and security of personal medical information online, choosing a hospital, insurance and its providers, and spending on medical care.

For each of these issues, the Center’s findings include overall responses, as well as comparisons of subcategories that include gender, age, education, race/ethnicity, presence or absence of children in the household, income, and region.

A total of six sets of findings based on specific issues in the study will be released during the spring and early summer.

The Center’s team – including health care thought leaders with broad experience in the industry – are meeting with executives from health care organizations for strategic discussions about the actionable implications of this research within the industry. The Center is also creating customized research on their current strategies or plans they are contemplating.

To learn more about the results of the Center’s Future of Health Care Study, or to schedule a briefing, contact the Center at 310-235-4444 or [email protected].


February 19, 2020