Web Insight: have you been harassed or bullied online?
Web Insight: have you been harassed or bullied online?
School bullies once harassed other kids on the playground or in the cafeteria. But today they more often use online technology to spread fear and intimidation.
Cyberbullying and online harassment are becoming increasingly prevalent across America. And it is no longer just a problem for students. This has been measured by the Center’s Digital Future Survey.
In 2012, 18% of our respondents aged 12-17 said that they had been bullied or harassed online. In 2018, this had increased to 41%.
A similar increase has been seen for those aged 18-34. In 2012, 15% in this age group said that they had been bullied or harassed online. The figure rose to 31% in 2018.
On the other hand, there have not been such increases for older Americans. For those aged 35-54, the increase from 2012 to 2018 has only been from 11% to 12%, and for those aged 55 and above, the rise was just from 6% to 7%. These figures still represent a lot of people who have been bullied or harassed, but the real growth with this problem has been with the younger set.
See all Web Insights.
July 8, 2019