Web Insight: is driving too complicated because of digital technologies?

Have all the new digital technologies (GPS devices, integrated communication systems, voice recognition technology, etc.) made driving too complicated?

In the Center’s Future of Transportation Study, we ask respondents if, with new digital technology, driving is more complicated than ever.

Overall, 34% agreed or strongly agreed with that statement.

The one variable that made a difference on how respondents answered was age.

Twenty-six percent of 18-24 year olds, twenty-eight percent of 25-34 year olds, and twenty-four percent of 35-44 year olds agreed or strongly agreed with the statement.

Beyond those age categories, the percentage agreeing or agreeing strongly went up.

Among 45-54 year olds the percentage was 34%. Forty-four percent of 55-64 year olds agreed or agreed strongly. And for the 65 and above set, the percentage was 46%.

In general, older Americans are more likely to believe that with all the new digital technologies, driving has become more complicated than ever.


See all Web Insights.

October 8, 2018