Web Insight: do you bank online exclusively?

Of those who use online banking, who does so exclusively, without ever going to the bank?

Overall, 24% on those who use online banking say they do so exclusively.

Some types of people are more likely to do this more than others. The two factors that discriminate most among those who do and do not use online banking exclusively are age and race/ethnicity.


In regard to age, 36% of those aged 25-34 say they use online banking exclusively. On the other end of the spectrum, only 16% of those aged 65 or over and 17% of those aged 55-64 do the same. In the middle are those in the age categories 45-54 (23%), 18-24 (24%), and 35-44 (27%).


In regard to race/ethnicity, those most likely to use online banking exclusively are Latinos/Hispanics (33%), and those least likely are whites (23%). African-Americans fall in the middle with 26% of them saying that they use online banking exclusively.


See all Web Insights.

July 30, 2018