Web Insight: loyalty to offline newspapers

Many daily activities have migrated online, including the use of traditional forms of media. But are people comfortable with this transformation? This raises the question of whether people would miss their offline newspaper if it were replaced by a digital version.

In 2008 Internet users who read newspapers offline were polled and asked how much they agree or disagree with the following statement: I would really miss my offline newspaper if it were no longer available. Only 16.6 percent of those asked strongly disagreed with this statement, while 7.2 percent answered that they somewhat disagree. On the other hand, 33.5 percent strongly agreed and 27.4 percent somewhat agreed. So it seems that a large portion of newspaper readers are not yet ready for this shift to occur.

I would really miss my offline newspaper if it were no longer available
(Internet users who read offline newspapers)

Miss offline newspaper -- 2008

For the full report of 2008 findings, visit here.

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