Do family members spend too much time watching television and not enough time talking to each other? According to the 2009 Digital Future report, close to half of U.S. Internet users have had similar experiences.
A growing number of users said that they were sometimes or often ignored by members of their household who were spending too much time on the Internet. In 2009, this was reported by 47 percent, up from 44 percent in 2008 and 36 percent in 2007.
Even more people felt isolated because of television. Half of the survey participants who used the Internet and did not live alone said that they had been at least occasionally ignored because others were watching television. This percent has also increased slightly, from 48 percent in 2008 and 46 percent in 2007.
Are you ignored because of television or the Internet?
(Internet users with more than one person in the household)
For the full report of 2009 findings, visit here.
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