New methods to explore evolving technology

From its inception in 1993, the Center for the Digital Future has explored the evolution of digital technology.  In its original research studies monitoring television violence, the Center pioneered a new research methodology that sought answers beyond numbers to underscore the true significance of violent trends by qualitatively assessing acts of violence depicted on television.

The Center’s three primary ongoing research projects are:

  • The U.S. Digital Future Project, the most comprehensive and longest-running longitudinal study of Internet use and digital adoption.  (More)
  • The World Internet Project, which the Center created in 2000 and manages in cooperation with 39 partner countries as they track changes in global communication technology.  (More)
  • Ongoing Disruption Projects — Disruption is massive change coming from unexpected places that transforms business models, changes industries, creates new ways of doing things, and produces major winners and losers:
    • COVID Reset Project
    • Future of Transportation
    • Future of Money and Banking
    • Trends in Sports and Media

The annual reports of these projects are free and can be downloaded here.

Industry studies

The Center analyzes its proprietary data for its corporate partners and executes custom research studies on the evolving relationships among digital technologies, media, consumers, and citizens to help industry and government leaders address their biggest challenges and make smart decisions.  This work includes:

Services for the Center’s Corporate Partners:

  • Data mining and strategic recommendations
  • Custom qualitative and quantitative market research
  • Social media analytics
  • Digital insights and trendspotting
  • Executive development, counsel and advisory services