Web Insight: how Millennials navigate

Different age groups use the same technologies in different ways, and different age groups achieve the same goals using different technologies. Here’s an example about GPS Navigation from our forthcoming 2017 “Future of Transportation” report.

We’re looking at a subgroup: those respondents who agreed that GPS Navigation is an important technology for a car to have. The results get interesting when we compare older and younger drivers:

  • Zeroing in on Millennials (ages 19-35) versus older generations (ages 36 plus) suggests that GPS is more important technology to Millennials than older people. More Millennials (65%) use GPS on their phones than respondents from older generations (46%).
  • Likewise, more Millennials (19%) have built-in GPS devices in their cars than older Americans (14%).
  • On the other hand, fewer Millennials (9%) have a dedicated GPS device like a Garmin, compared to older respondents (26%).

Finally, older Americans (13%) are more likely than Millennials (6%) to report not currently using any GPS technology at all in their cars.


July 11, 2017

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